Sunday, January 17, 2010


first off: i apologize to the 2, maybe 3 people who follow my blog. i suck at keeping this dang thing updated. i've decided that my hate, or more like dislike, for blogging came when my professors at school forced us to blog. every. single. day. BLAAAAH. FACEBOOK is easier. they should have just let us use that. so word to the "followers" if you really are interested in my liiiiiiife, lets be friends, FB friends. then you'll know more than you ever wanted to. Just a heads up.

for christmas-we had these lovelies cooking all of our
meals for us.

we started a new family tradition: delivering white elephant gifts
to neighbors on christmas eve with the tagline
"from our family to yours, merry christmas"
did i mention they didn't know who it was either?!

Headbandits and mustaches?

this probably isn't the best influence we could have on jack.
he kept saying, lets do this again, lets do this again!

For christmas, i got mother and father the BEST. GIFT. EVER.
Ed: "return this thing and get your $ back"
why would i ever do that?!

did i mention i was going on a mission?
papers go in, in T-minus a week & a half
happy day. seriously!

Not to mention: JIM (lindsey) TURNED the big 2-3.
go her! in celebration we had a "sweet 16 and never been kissed PJ party"
total hit. people love us. i mean her.



Derrick Mickelson said...

hahahaha you should update more

Hayley said...

Kenzie, you really should take Derrick's advice.

I love it when you blog! And love living your fun life vicariously through you. Such a cute girl you are.

And a week till the papers go in!!! Wowza. Why has it been so long since I've seen you?

Come visit.

Amanda & Jared said...

1)Don't quit! I love reading your funny commentary.

2)Didn't I see a picture lately with dad wearing the snuggie? He secretly loves it.

3) Your mission picture made me cry!

Anonymous said...

love you, and your updates that take forever to come :)